If you are going to travel to Vietnam as a tourist, for studying, business, to visit relatives or for any other reason you will need to obtain a visa. It should be issued by the Embassy of Vietnam before travelling to Vietnam. However, you are not required to obtain a visa for transiting through the airport. The embassy of Vietnam is located in London. Your passport will be sent to our London office and they will organize your visa application and the whole process.
List of documents required for Vietnamese holiday visa application:
- Original passport with at least 6 months of remaining validity from the travelling date with at least one blank page left.
- Completed visa application form.
- One colour picture taken not earlier that twelve months before the application date (4 x 6 cm)
- Visa fee
- In case you are applying for a multiple entry visa please send travel itinerary as well

To apply for Vietnamese business visa you will need to submit the same set of documents plus:
- Invitation letter from by your Vietnamese that should include full address and contact number. The invitation letter should state the purpose of the visit and stay duration;
- Letter from current employer with same information
Processing time: 5 business days
It might also be possible to request for rush service which will take 2 business days after the receipt of complete application, but will involve extra processing fee.
There is also an option for the next day processing which is the most expensive option.
Application procedure and fee for children are the same as adults if the children have their own passports. If children are recorded passports of their parents you will not need separate visas for them and will not need to pay for them, but you will need to include them into your application and attach one photo. For children under 14 parents sign the applications.
Vietnam Holiday and Business Visa
Practically, all foreigners travelling to Vietnam will need this visa. If you obtain the holiday visa you you can travel to Vietnam for up to 30 days. You cannot obtain the visa earlier than 6 months before the departure date.
According to Vietnamese regulations, the holiday visa has one month validity. However, you can extend it for another month at a later stage. Please note that you will not be entitled to work if you have this type of visa and you will have to leave Vietnam once the visa has expired.

If you are going to travel to Vietnam as a tourist, for studying, business, to visit relatives or for any other reason you will need to obtain a visa. It should be issued by the Embassy of Vietnam before travelling to Vietnam. However, you are not required to obtain a visa for transiting through the airport. The embassy of Vietnam is located in London. Your passport will be sent to our London office and they will organize your visa application and the whole...
Visa to Vietnam Dublin City Centre

When organising a Tourist Visa to any country outside of the European Union as an Irish citizen, communication between different government agencies can take a lot of time and energy between administration, complicated documentation requirements and language differences. Here at Visaworld Dublin we understand this, and our team of experienced professionals are able to process all kinds of Visas – whether you are planning a short visit to discover the wonder of Ho Chi Minh...