VisaWorld Ireland is one of the leading visa support agencies in Ireland with offices in Dublin, Cork, Galway, Belfast. We have many years of experience in applying for Australian visas including New Zealand General Work Visa. Our offices are conveniently and centrally located. Call us first and we will give you a consultation on what paperwork you need for your any type of New Zealand visa. All you will need to do after that is drop your paperwork to us in one of these cities and we will do the rest whether you need just an invitation or full processing of your visa.
The objective of the New Zealand Work Visa and Permit Policy is to promote development of New Zealand industry and economy through employing skilled migrants.

Work Visas/Permits are granted on a temporary residence basis, that is, they specify the maximum amount of time you are allowed to live and work in New Zealand.
If your occupation is not one of the most demanded skills and you want to obtain New Zealand Work Visa you will need to have a job offer from an employer in New Zealand. There are several programmes for that:
- Essential Skills - where the employer has to undertake all possible steps to hire New Zealanders without success and the employer has to demonstrate those efforts to the New Zealand Immigration Authorities.
- Accredited Employer – this programme aims at attracting skilled migrants from the occupations that earn over 55,000 NZD (New Zealand dollars).
- Approval in Principle - employers who have approval in principle from New Zealand authorities to hire migrant workers.
Contact is by phone or email to find out more about New Zealand Work Visa or any other New Zealand Immigration Programmes and we will give you free consultation and help determine your eligibility.